Simple Ways to Spread Kindness Every Day

Simple Ways to Spread Kindness Every Day

One of the biggest things that I am trying to instill in my kids is spreading love and kindness. I truly believe there can never be too much kindness in the world. It is one of the best qualities you can have as a human being. Whenever I see my kids initiate an act of kindness it makes me so incredibly proud!

There are so many ways, big and small, that you can show loved ones and even strangers kindness. You can spend a fortune or not even a cent to do it. To me, the little things often mean more than the big ones. You never know what others are going through and how the smallest gesture can mean so much to someone. Here are some of my favorite simple ways that you can spread kindness every day.

Random Acts of Kindness

This is probably the most known way to spread kindness. The options are endless for a random act of kindness. You could do something big or small. You could buy someone a cup of coffee or cover someone’s food in the drive through line, etc. I think it’s the most fun to keep it anonymous and in passing so that the other person can’t try to talk you out of it. The most important aspect to a random act of kindness is not expecting anything in return.

Leave a Note of Appreciation

Taking the time to handwrite a note is still in style. It shows that you really took the time to send your appreciation, love and/or thanks. Just this week, my kids and I wrote cards to send to loved ones. It was so fun to involve them in the process. You could leave a post-it for a family member, a note on a car or even mail a letter.

Give a Compliment

Everyone likes to hear a compliment about themselves. It instantly makes you feel good and gives you a boost of confidence. Giving a compliment is free and easy to do. Do you like someone’s hair style? Compliment it. Do you like someone’s outfit? Compliment it. Just be genuine and spread some kindness by complimenting others on what you like about them.

Share Something that Inspires You

With so many online businesses and brands these days, one of the best things you can do to support them is by simply sharing their content. As a blogger who is working to grow my own brand, this simple gesture really means so much to me.

Do you have a favorite blog, podcast, book or movie? Share it! Is there a blog post, Instagram post or YouTube video that inspires you? Engage with the content by liking it, commenting and sharing it with your friends. Taking the time to let them know why it inspired you and sharing it, often means the world to the creator of that content.

Encourage Others

Just like with compliments, a simple word of encouragement can make such a huge impact. If you see someone who is feeling down, try to lift their spirits with some encouragement. Find some encouraging and hopeful quotes to inspire someone.

Be Polite & Courteous

Simple manners really go a long way. Now a days people are so busy and wrapped up in their own world that the basics go out the window. Classics are classic for a reason. Please and thank you never get old. Saying excuse me when passing someone in a crowded area or when you burp is the polite thing to do. Thinking about others before yourself when out and about is a great way to just be polite and courteous.

Hold the Door Open for Someone

No matter what anyone tells you, chivalry is not dead. I am independent and don’t need anyone to do things for me, but I do still appreciate when people do. When we dated, my husband always held open the car door for me and would yell at me to stop if I ever tried to open my own door. It was such a nice gesture.

I still appreciate when a stranger holds open the door for me and my kiddos. I still hold open doors for the person behind me when walking into a building. The next time you’re out and about, give it a try and hold open the door for someone.

Check in on a Loved One

Stop by a neighbor’s house to see how they’re doing. Ask a friend how they are and really mean it. Call a loved one who’s far away just to touch base with life. Just take a little time out of your day to check in on those you love and those who are near you. Be intentional and see how they are really doing under the surface.

Smile More

There is no such thing as smiling too much! I’ve always been a happy go lucky and very smiley person. A simple smile can brighten someone’s day. I know it has for me. If I’m having a bad day a simple smile from my kids can lift my spirits instantly. Just like a laugh, a smile can be contagious. So my advice is to just smile more.

Leave a Positive Review

When was the last time that you left a good review for a restaurant or shop that you love? We typically take the time to let everyone know when we’ve had a bad experience but often overlook the good ones. Take the time to give credit to the good places. Write a positive review for a restaurant or shop that you love.

Give Someone a Just Because Gift

We always get gifts for big occasions in our lives: birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, etc. Mix it up and try giving a “just because” gift to just show your love. It will be unexpected and appreciated.

Give to Your Favorite Charity

Do you have a favorite charity or cause? The best way to show kindness to them is by helping to support their mission. If you can’t give financially, there are still ways you can help. You could volunteer or use a skill that you have to help. For example, my grandma loves to sew and knit and has knitted newborn baby hats for hospitals. Or maybe you could make a meal for the workers. Just get creative and give back to your favorite charities however you can.

Pick Up Trash Outside

Do you love the outdoors and wildlife? Why not show it some kindness by doing some cleanup? We love going on outdoor adventures and try to do our part to help be more environmentally friendly. A simple way to do that is by picking up trash outside and helping to keep things clean.

Let Someone Go Before You in Line

Another simple way to show some kindness is simply by letting someone go in front of you in line. I’ve had people let me in front of them in a busy grocery store with cranky kids and I definitely appreciated it. A simple gesture like that can lift someone’s spirits and it only costs you a few extra minutes in line.

Two kids drawing a picture

Spreading love and kindness is so important every day, especially during times of uncertainty when emotions and anxiety are running high. You could make a positive impact on a loved one’s life and even a stranger’s life. People are always watching, be the example. In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

12 thoughts on “Simple Ways to Spread Kindness Every Day

    1. Yes, that is my goal. I prioritize it for myself and my kids to teach them. Kindness is so important. Thank you!

  1. Love your list. Just reading these made my day, I’m sure when do these acts of kindness to someone, how much it’s going to matter, in a positive way. Thanks for sharing these wonderful tips.

  2. I’m so happy to see a post advocating kindness and selflessness. I think some of these values get overlooked and they shouldn’t. I’ll be picking a few of these to implement today.

    1. Aw thank you so much that really means a lot to me! I really prioritize kindness in my life and for my kids too. I love that you are going to be implementing some! I love that!

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