25 Days of Giving

This year I have decided to start a new Christmas tradition with my family: The Giving Manger. It’s all about giving and spreading kindness. Two things that I am very passionate about. Christmas is all about giving. Personally, I would rather give than receive at Christmas time.
I know times are tight for many this year but you can still give back and help others this holiday season. There are so many ways to give and not all involve money. So in the spirit of giving, I wanted to share with you one thing you can do each day for the month of December leading up to Christmas to give back. I call this the 25 Days of Giving.
Day 1: Give smiles
A smile can brighten someone’s day and lift their spirits. A smile is free and easy to give. Smiles are contagious, so pass on as many along as you can.
Day 2: Give a card
In a world that is so electronic, a handwritten note is harder to come by. Take the time to pick out (or make) a card and write a special note to someone you care about. You could also write some notes to hospital or nursing home patients.
Day 3: Give to charity
The most known way to give back is to give to a charity. There are so many amazing charities out there that do great work. Even if you can only give a little, do what you can. Every little bit adds up and can make a huge difference.
Day 4: Give time
You can give back by donating your time. Volunteering to help others can make a huge impact. You could volunteer at a food bank, donation center, or anywhere that needs help. A lot of places are looking for extra help during the holidays.
Day 5: Give a random act of kindness
Pay it forward by paying for a strangers coffee, cover the order of someone behind you in the drive-through line, or leave some cash at the register to help cover someone else’s groceries.
Day 6: Give a compliment
Everyone likes to hear they look nice or are good at something. Giving out genuine compliments is easy to do and could make someone else’s day. So if you like someone’s hair or think they are doing a good job as a mom, tell them so.
Day 7: Give a positive review
There are so many negative things in the world. We need some more positive. Take the time to write a positive review for a product or service you recently liked.
Day 8: Give a just because gift
We always give gifts for special occasions (i.e. Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries) but we often don’t think to give a gift for no reason. Pick out a special little gift for someone you love just because and surprise them with it.
Day 9: Give to your community
Take today to get involved and give back to your community. You could support a local shop, help somewhere decorate for Christmas, or pick up trash in your neighborhood.
Day 10: Give to a small business
Small businesses have really taken a hit this year. Do what you can to support some of your favorite small businesses. It could be as simple as liking and sharing an entertainer or blogger’s social media channels. You could buy something from that friend who sells something through an MLM (think Arbonne, Usborne, Pampered Chef, Lularoe, etc). You could eat at a local mom and pop shop, order something from a small craft shop on Etsy, or you could get a gift card to a small business to use later.
Day 11: Give encouragement
Share some encouragement to those around you today. When your child is frustrated because they can’t do something, encourage them. When a friend is feeling down, encourage them. Spread some encouragement on social media by sharing some uplifting and inspiring quotes or stories.
Day 12: Give to a hero
There are so many people who are everyday heroes and don’t get enough credit for the work they do. Give to a hero in your life. You could send a care package to a military member overseas, provide a meal for your local police or firemen, or send a little something to a personal hero in your life.
Day 13: Give someone a break
Everyone loves feeling like they catch a break, especially during tough times. Today help to provide a break for someone else. Offer to babysit so someone can get out of the house, give up your place in line at the store, or let someone in front of you while driving on a busy street.
Day 14: Give to a neighbor
Show some neighborly love by helping those in your neighborhood. You could help a neighbor put up some Christmas lights, walk a dog, or deliver Christmas cookies around the neighborhood.
Day 15: Give Christmas cheer
In the spirit of Christmas, today is all about spreading Christmas cheer. You could go Christmas caroling, make Christmas cookies, or build a snowman for display in the neighborhood.
Day 16: Give to a loved one
Christmas is all about love. So check in on a loved one, catch up with someone you haven’t talked to in a while, send a little gift to them, or cook a special meal for your family. Find any way you can think of to show your love and appreciation to those who are closest to you and do it.
Day 17: Give politeness
In a world where everything is so fast-paced, simple manners can go a long way. Say please and thank you. Say excuse me and you’re welcome. Be polite to those you come into contact with today.
Day 18: Give a helping hand
Today lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it. You could help carry items when someone’s hands are full or help someone with a home project. If someone asks for help, give it. If you see someone who needs help, offer to help before they have to ask.
Day 19: Give away unused items
With the weather colder, now is the perfect time to go through and downsize your clothes and other household items. Give away what you don’t use or need. You could donate canned food or extra clothes and shoes to shelters.
Day 20: Give flowers
Who doesn’t love to get flowers? I know I do. Today give some flowers to someone else. You could buy a bouquet, pick wildflowers, or create your own DIY fake floral bouquet. You could give them to a family member, friend, or stranger. It’s a simple and easy way to brighten someone’s day.
Day 21: Give to someone in need
The holidays can be a tough time for families. Do you know anyone who is struggling financially this year? Give back to them today. One of my favorite things to do at Christmas is an Angel Tree gift for a child in need. Toys for Tots is a great option too. You could donate to a friend’s GoFundMe or give them a gift card. If who you know doesn’t accept gifts easily you could cook a meal, offer to drive/carpool to an activity, or give them hand me down clothes for kids.
Day 22: Give courtesy
Courtesy and chivalry are not dead. Today we prove it. You could hold a door for someone or return a cart for another shopper. Simply think of others with whatever you do today.
Day 23: Give to yourself
Today is all about you and your self-care. You’ve been giving back to others this month and now it’s time for you. Self-care is not selfish. So do something just for you. Pamper yourself with a spa day, relax with a movie night, indulge in your favorite treat, or all of the above. Do whatever you enjoy and want to do for yourself.
Day 24: Give back to your choice
Today is the giver’s choice. Choose where or to who you want to give and give back to them today. It could be a charity, a business, a loved one, or even a stranger. Take your pick and give back however you feel compelled to give today.
Day 25: Give a Christmas gift
Now that today is Christmas, we have reached the last day of our 25 days of giving. Today’s giving project is probably the easiest. Today give a Christmas gift. Or a couple or a few or a bunch. Give a Christmas gift full of love today.

I hope you enjoy this Christmas season and keep the spirit of giving alive. Keep spreading love and kindness wherever you go and to whoever you meet. Happy giving!

14 thoughts on “25 Days of Giving”
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This is such a great list! This is the perfect time of year for families to engage in the act of giving, and instill these traits into our kids as well!
I completely agree. Thank you so much!
This is a great list of ways to give to others!
Thank you so much!
It is always a great gesture to give nd give. Thanks for showing these 25 ways of giving
I completely agree. Thank you!
I love how you broke giving acts down into days. So manageable but so effective! Some really great ideas here! ❤️
Aw thank you so much!
I love how you break giving acts down into days. So manageable but so effective! Some really great ideas here! ❤️
Aw thank you so much!
love all of these! Perfect to teach and remind our kids that it’s not always about us.
Aw thank you so much! That is exactly what I try to do.
I 100% am doing this next year! I will have an almost 1-year-old and this would be so fun!
Aw yay so exciting! Thanks so much! My 2 and 3-year-old loved giving this year!