6 Dollar Store Fairy Garden Ideas

My daughter’s latest obsession this year is Tinker Bell and all things fairies. I’m here for all the fairy fun! This year we decided to create our own little fairy garden in our flower bed. There are so many cute and fun ideas out there and DIY tutorials on how to make your own fairy houses. I was surprised at how many things I came across in my search for ideas. I wanted to find something that wouldn’t take a lot of time and was also cost-effective.
I got a little frustrated after looking at Walmart and Hobby Lobby and not coming across what I wanted. On a whim, I stopped by the Dollar Tree just to see what they might have…and I never looked anywhere else again. Seriously, the dollar store is your one-stop shop for all things fairy gardens! If you want to make your own fairy garden crafts or use something pre-made look no further. These are the different houses and items we used from our local dollar store to make our fairy garden come to life.
1. Premade Fairy Houses

This is the simplest way to go about fairy garden houses. The Dollar Tree has a brand called “Fairy Garden” that has premade houses and cute little signs/figurines. The houses are SO cute! We have a flower house, cactus house, apple house, and tea kettle house. I also got some of the cute signs (some say “Welcome”, “Fairy Playground”, “Fairy Crossing”, etc.), and fairy figurines.
2. Wooden Birdhouses

The only downside with the premade fairy houses I mentioned above is they don’t have a door that actually opens on the houses (something my daughter wanted so the fairies can go in the house). The dollar store also has wooden birdhouses for crafts. We bought one and painted/decorated it ourselves. We use ours as Vidia’s house (she is a wind/high flying fairy in the Tinker Bell movies) and hung it up on a clothesline we had in the garden. This is a fun and simple DIY craft idea and your kids can personalize the fairy house to their liking.
3. Scent Warmers

We bought a couple of these scent warmers. They are already colored and have different shapes which are essentially the house windows. They have a big opening that you can put stuff inside and decorate it how you like. You could spray paint them if you wanted to and put flowers or other items on top of it too.
4. Stones

The Dollar Tree has different colored stones you would use for décor or fishbowls. We got some blue and green ones and used them in the garden as fairy pathways leading to all the signs and houses.
5. Cat Bowl

You can’t have a fairy garden without a fairy pond for the water fairies! To create our fairy pond we simple bought a little cat bowl at the dollar store and filled it with water and some stones (as dewdrops).
6. Garden Decor

We got a couple of windmills, some butterfly garden decor items that you stick in the dirt, a ladybug with a bell that we hung (to call the fairies), and a fun colorful garden stone about friendship to place in the dirt. You could get some garden lights for a little path too.

The sky is the limit when it comes to your imagination. There are so many cute items and they’re all only $1 at Dollar Tree! We visit our fairy garden almost every day. All you need is faith, love, and pixie dust. Happy creating!