8 Benefits of Baby Wearing

I have always loved baby wearing. With my daughter I just liked having her close but as I had more kids it became more essential so that I could get stuff done and still spend quality time with each of my kids. My youngest has been my biggest baby wearing fan–he is obsessed!
Baby wearing is popular for many reasons. And there are different reasons why you may choose to do it. It is good for baby’s physical and mental development and health in many ways…some that I only recently learned. So I wanted to share what I have learned with you. These are my top reasons why baby wearing can benefit not only your baby but also you!
Being Hands Free
The biggest reason for me when it comes to baby wearing is having your hands free! If you have a baby who is clingy, or older children that need your help, having your hands free to do other tasks is a huge plus! My littlest guy takes a regular morning nap in the carrier while I clean and get stuff done around the house.
Baby wearing builds that bond with your baby. You can easily talk or sing to your baby. You get extra snuggles and they get the extra time with you even when you are busy.
Security for Baby
Baby will feel more secure and safe when snug against you in a baby carrier. Think about it, they are snug against you growing for 9 months and are used to hearing your voice and heartbeat. Being able to do that again after they are born into the world brings an added security for them.
Peace of Mind for Mom
Along with security for the baby, baby wearing also gives mom peace of mind. When I have a newborn I am more anxious and constantly checking if they are breathing. Baby wearing gives me a sense of relief because I can easily check if baby is breathing when they are on my chest.
Out of Reach for Others
Baby wearing is great if you want to keep strangers or people from trying to touch/hold baby when out and about. With my youngest I wear him in a carrier often especially when I don’t want people touching or spreading germs to him. You can easily cover baby and/or move away if people get too close to baby.
Reflux & Gas Relief
Baby wearing is also known to help baby’s with reflux, gas, and colic relief. Being in the upright position helps baby get burps out easier which helps prevent gas build up in the belly.
Regulate Functions
Holding baby close helps them regulate their breathing, temperature, and heart rate. Studies have also shown baby’s who are routinely carried cry less and are generally happier.
Can Help with Breastfeeding
If you are a breastfeeding mom, baby wearing can help with that in a couple ways. The hormones released when moms hold their babies close triggers milk release (let-down). Having that close physical contact with your baby can help with milk production and help you learn baby’s hunger cues up close. Women who baby wear are twice as likely to successfully breastfeed.

The ease of use when it comes to baby wearing should be enough to convince you to give it a try. Baby wearing when I travel is a lifesaver for me–especially when flying! What is your biggest reason to baby wear? Let me know in the comments below!