12 Simple Ways to Live Greener
I try to do my part to make the world a better place and as an ocean and dolphin lover, I really try to make a difference by being more environmentally friendly. People often think that living green means giving up a lot and changing your whole way of life. When in all actuality there are plenty of little things that you can do every day to get in better habits and live greener.
After just celebrating Earth Day one week ago, I thought now would be the perfect time to share my tips and tricks to help you create new habits that are simple and easy to do. Every little bit helps and makes a bigger impact.
1. Recycle
Recycling is a big way you can help go greener without much effort. If you aren’t used to recycling there will be a little adjustment period. I didn’t grow up recycling and so when I moved to California I had to learn what items could and couldn’t be recycled. I quickly got into a good rhythm with it though and even when we moved to North Carolina I have kept up with my recycling habits out here. It has become a habit for me and I do it now without even thinking.
2. Dryer Balls
About 2 years ago I decided to give dryer balls a try. I had been hearing so much about the toxic chemicals in dryer sheets and wanted to stop using them. I got dryer balls as a Christmas gift and have been in love ever since! Not only do I not have to use toxic chemicals on my clothes but it also saves me a bunch! Dryer balls are good for many loads whereas dryer sheets are a one time use.
3. Reusable Straws
This is quite possibly my favorite of all these ways to go greener. A lot of theme parks and big venues are switching from plastic to paper straws in an effort to help the environment more. I’m all about going greener but I for one, HATE paper straws! They get soggy and gross so quickly that you end up having to use multiple straws which is just as wasteful I think.
When we took a family trip to Disney World in Florida they only gave out paper straws which did not work for us lol. So we took straws from my daughter’s cup to use instead. After we got home I investing in some stainless steel straws. They are an absolute lifesaver! Easy to clean and you can take them with you. I have even started turning away plastic straws at drive-thru’s to use my stainless steel straws instead.
4. Reusable Cups
Another way to cut back is to use your own stainless steel or reusable cup in place of cups at restaurants and gas stations. Just bring your own cup with you and fill that instead.
5. Rethink Water Bottles
Just like with reusable straws and cups, get yourself a reusable water bottle. Using a filter and then filling up your own reusable water bottle will cut back on the waste of plastic water bottles. I drink so much water every day so this one is huge for me.
6. Reusable Napkins
Instead of using paper towels and napkins give reusable and washable napkins a try. A lot of restaurants use cloth napkins and they work great. I haven’t personally tried reusable napkins at home yet but I have been looking into it more. If it can help save money and go a little greener at the same time, why not?
7. Manage Water Usage
Cut back on unneeded water usage. Wait until the dishwasher is completely full to run it, turn off the water while brushing your teeth until you need to rinse your toothbrush, etc. Being mindful of using unnecessary water even if it is just a little can all add up and make a difference.
8. Manage Electricity Usage
Cut back on unneeded electricity use. Turn off the lights when you leave the room, turn off the TV when you’re in another room, use outside light during the day instead of electricity, etc. My parents instilled in me to always turn the light off when I leave a room so I do it naturally now. Again, even if it seems insignificant it can all add up.
9. Switch to LED Lights
Making little changes in your home to be more energy-efficient, is a great way to do your part and help. When we redid our house after hurricane damage, we put LED light bulbs in all our lights. They are more energy-efficient and in turn, help to go greener.
10. Signup for Electronic Billing
If you want to cut back on paper waste, switch to electronic billing instead of paper. Most companies offer this as an option nowadays. It is a huge help for me. I handle the majority of our bills electronically.
11. Buy in Bulk
Buying in bulk helps to save money in the long run and also helps to cut back on the plastic and packaging. Even with a small family of four, we buy in bulk some. I learned the art of doing that to help save money growing up in a family of 10. If there are items you go through fast or will use in the long run anyway (i.e. toothpaste, soap, etc) why not go ahead and get it in bulk to help save and go greener at the same time?
12. Reusable Grocery Bags
Plastic grocery bags have been banned in a lot of places. They are also not environmentally friendly at all. Even though we still have plastic grocery bags here in NC, there is one store that doesn’t use them and requires you to purchase your own reusable bags if you want to use a bag. I’m starting to get more into reusable bags.
By doing these simple little things every day you are helping. Every little bit you do to help eliminate plastic waste helps our ocean and marine animal friends. Any little thing you do to help can make a bigger effect and lasting impact. This is something that I am so passionate about because you have to take care of what you love so that it will last.
14 thoughts on “12 Simple Ways to Live Greener”
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I liked this article. I, too, stopped using dryer sheets. Now, I dampen my cloth and add a little of clothes soap (the same I washed my clothes in), and make sure it’s all over the damp cloth, then put it in the dryer! Thanks for the tips.
That is awesome! I’ve never heard of doing that before. I hope these tips were helpful!
Love seeing people share environmentally-friendly tips!
Yes to it all! These environmental adjustments can go a long way.
Aw thank you so much!
Thank you! I’m trying to do my part wherever I can.
I love this post. very inspiring and informative
Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Love using reusable straws and reusable bags for things! Love these other ideas!
Reusable straws are my fave! Thank you so much. I hope this helps you come up with some other little things you can do.
These are great tips! I watched the documentary The Story of Plastic and it really opened my eyes to the plastic waste problem in our country and how even recycling is just a band aid, I’m tryin to be more conscientious of using plastic but it’s a big change!
Thank you! I haven’t seen that but it really is. I’ve heard so much about how bad all the plastic is for our oceans and marine life. It is a big change for sure! I try to at least do these little things to help.
YES, YES, YES! Love your suggestions. Can I add one? Reusable, mesh bags for produce. Found them on Amazon for a reasonable price (I’m cheap, so if I thought the price was reasonable, most folks probably wouldn’t blink twice). Right now during the pandemic my grocery store won’t let me use an of my reusable bags, including the ones I mentioned, but afterwards, I’m all over it again!
Aw thank you so much! I love that idea! I didn’t even know that was a thing. I’ll have to look into those bags!! Thank you for sharing!