30 Benefits of Traveling More

30 Benefits of Traveling More

I’m closing out the month and my “This is 30” series with some travel inspiration. I’ve always had a bit of a gypsy soul and adventurous spirit. I love moving around and experiencing new places. I’ve done quite a bit of domestic travel within the US so far but I still have more that I want to do. I have big dreams of more international travel in the future as well.

Traveling is always an adventure and can give you so many wonderful things. I had fun trips planned for this year but have had to change those plans. I cannot wait to travel again when it’s safe to do so. To help inspire you to get out there and travel again too, here are 30 Benefits of Traveling More.

1. Seeing beautiful sights

The world is so beautiful. There are so many amazing sights to see. Photos can never do a masterpiece justice. The Grand Canyon is one of the greatest sights I’ve seen. Nothing can beat seeing it in person for yourself.

2. New experiences

Traveling to new places gives you so many new experiences. Even within your own country places are so different depending on where you are. It was a culture shock to me when I moved to California from Virginia. They are both such different places with different experiences.

3. Trying new things

You can try new things you never would have thought of or had as an option at home. Food, experiences, shows, activities, etc. Trying new things while traveling is so much fun.

4. Making new friends

Whether you are outgoing or introverted, it’s so easy to make new friends when traveling. I’ve talked to strangers for hours on plane flights, befriended locals at my destination, and even made a lifelong friend at a convention as a teenager. Coming into contact with more people means that many more chances to make new friends.

5. Learning history

There is nothing like hands-on learning. Seeing places in person that you’ve only read about is so cool. I’ve always loved touring old historic buildings. Visiting historic places teaches you so much about history. I’ve learned more then I knew about history by visiting specific historic places.

6. Cultural understanding

Visiting new places, especially different countries gives you so much perspective. Seeing how other countries and other people live gives you a much better understanding of different cultures. It can also give you amazing different cultural experiences.

7. Relaxation

The biggest reason for traveling is vacations. Vacations are so important for your mental health. They give you some relaxation and a life break from your normal day to day routines. They also give you quality time with those that you love. Everyone needs a break every now and then.

8. Personal growth & self-discovery

Traveling is huge for your growth as a person. We all learn and grow by the experiences in our life. Traveling gives you so much perspective about life. By traveling and growing through your travels you will have a lot of personal growth along with self-discovery.

9. Patience

There is nothing like traveling to test your patience. There is waiting during layovers, waiting in lines, and lots of waiting during road trips. If you have kids there will be a lot of questions and impatience with all the waiting. A la “are we there yet?” Traveling will help you learn to cope with and increase your patience.

10. Communication

Whenever you’re stressed there can be miscommunications and high tensions. Traveling tests communication. It also teaches you how to better communicate through those situations. If you’re traveling in another country where you don’t speak their language you learn to adapt and how to communicate through language barriers.

11. Conquering fears

Taking on new adventures while traveling brings plenty of opportunities to conquer fears. I’ve heard so many stories from friends who have conquered their fear of heights, and other fears in their travel adventures. I personally conquered my fear of being out in the middle of the ocean when I took a cruise. It was so worth it!

12. Handling conflict

Traveling teaches you how to handle conflict. Between flight delays, cancellations, and other mishaps while traveling it can be a stressful time. Learning how to cope with and handle conflict is an important life skill. Whether that be with workers, random people you come in contact with, or your own friends and family during your travels, managing conflict and turning it around will make the most of your time.

13. Adjusting to change

Just like with conflict, changes are given during travels. Sometimes it rains when you planned to have a day outside, sometimes you plan for a road trip to take nine hours and it ends up being twelve, sometimes you miss a connecting flight, etc. I’ve always been pretty spontaneous but now that I have kids I try to plan things more on a schedule. However, learning to be flexible and adjusting to change during travels has been huge for me. Things in life are always changing and it is so helpful to learn how to keep things enjoyable and fun even when things change outside of your control.

14. Open mind

Seeing new places and traveling gives you a better perspective and opens your mind. People often think the grass is always greener on the other side but when you see other sides you see how blessed you truly are.

15. Self-care

When traveling you have to get creative and really put effort into your self-care. It’s easy to focus on experiences and anything other than yourself when traveling. I tend to do that often and put my self-care on the back burner during vacation. Taking time to still prioritize your self-care (however that looks for you) even while traveling is important.

16. New food

One of my husband’s favorites parts of traveling is trying new restaurants. Food that is local to the location we are traveling to. I’m more of a creature of habit when it comes to food and what I like. But I have learned to embrace getting out and trying new food when visiting new places. You never know when you’ll find your new favorite treat.

17. New animals

We’re a family that loves animals. We love visiting zoos and aquariums. Dolphins are my favorite animal and anytime we’re near dolphins I try to make an effort to see them. My daughter has taken animal love to a new level! She loves any and every animal. You can experience so many new animals in the local habitats when you travel especially internationally. I cannot wait to check more animal encounters off my bucket list with my animal-loving buddies.

18. Be prepared

Something I have learned since having kids is to always be prepared for the unexpected. Traveling is no different. It really teaches you to be prepared. You plan ahead, you pack what you think you will need (and extras just in case), you double (and triple) check that you have everything you need. Being prepared is a great life lesson. I always say its better safe than sorry.

19. Be spontaneous

I’ve always been pretty spontaneous and love being so. Traveling teaches you to go with the flow and make the most of every situation, even if it doesn’t go as you had planned. Being spontaneous is one of my favorite things because it gives you amazing, unexpected memories and moments.

20. No regrets

One of my biggest life motto’s is to live with no regrets. It is probably the biggest reason I chase bucket list adventures and love traveling. Traveling offers so many amazing opportunities. I have never regretted a single travel trip I have taken. You only live once, so if there is somewhere you want to go or someplace you want to see you should do it.

21. Adventure taker

I love, love, love going on adventures. Life is so exciting and there is nothing like going on a new adventure. Is there a new activity you have been wanting to try? Go for it. Becoming an adventure taker is so much fun and it makes you more daring and feel braver.

22. Dedication

Traveling really teaches you dedication. You have to save, research, and plan out a dream trip. My biggest dream destination is Australia. I have been wanting to go there my whole life and am still working towards it. Saving for a big trip like going from the US to Australia is a time commitment and dedication to get to take it. It is a great quality to be dedicated and not give up.

23. Exercising

For pretty much any traveling exercising is a big part of it. Whether you take the time to hike or workout or don’t, more often than not you’d be surprised at how much you actually exercise while on vacation. You could be swimming at a pool or lake. You could be walking all day at a theme park or around an airport. It is so good for your mental and physical health to stay active. Exercising doesn’t have to be a big planned workout. It is easy to incorporate into your travel plans.

24. Self confidence & independence

I still remember vividly the first time I flew solo. I was so nervous I called my dad beforehand to ask what to expect and how to get checked in. It seems funny now, but at the time I had only ever flown twice and always with my family who I just followed around. Trying new things can be scary but it is so important to help build self-confidence. Now I fly solo and don’t flinch. Traveling, especially the solo traveling I have done has really helped to build my self-confidence and independence. I know I can do it and if I don’t know something, I know I can figure it out along the way.

25. Creativity

Traveling is huge with creativity and inspiration. I am a very creative person who loves writing and entertainment. Traveling has given me so much inspiration and creativity in my own projects.

26. Escape from reality

Something I have always loved about entertaining is that it is a great escape from reality. That is after all why people love movies, music, and books. It takes you away from your normal day to day life and tough times. It gives you an escape no matter how short. Traveling does the same. It gives you a break from reality and work. You can relax and go on adventures.

27. Positivity

Traveling has taught me so much about being positive and being grateful for what you have. I mentioned before about the grass being greener and how traveling can shift that perspective. I’ve always been a big positive person and traveling has amplified that. Checking bucket list items off my list, going on adventures, getting a break from reality, relaxing, and making memories help keep me refreshed and more positive.

28. Fall in love

And no I don’t mean with a person (although that does happen for some). When I say traveling helps you fall in love, I am referring to falling in love with life and all that it has to offer. Traveling helps you fall in love with so many things. You fall in love with new things, sights, experiences, encounters, moments, yourself, and even traveling. When you travel you fall in love over and over and over again.

29. Achieving dreams

For me, traveling represents achieving dreams. I’ve always loved traveling and there are so many places all around the world that I want to see. Every time I visit somewhere new I achieve another dream.

30. Amazing memories

Out of all the amazing benefits of traveling, my favorite would probably have to be the amazing memories you get. Many of my favorite moments and memories in life to date have been during travel adventures. I always prefer to collect moments instead of things. Those little and big moments turn into great memories. Good and even bad moments turn into cherished memories and funny stories. Traveling and memories go hand in hand.

Me holding big 30 balloons

I hope that reading through these benefits will help inspire you to travel. I personally love exploring and visiting new places. Seeing and trying new things is always fun. I’ve made so many amazing memories through my travel adventures and can’t wait to make many more. Cheers to 30!

16 thoughts on “30 Benefits of Traveling More

  1. I love your pro of “fall in love.” Almost 6 years ago to date I traveled to upstate NY to support a friend of mine who’s grandfather had died. Turns out, I would meet my husband on that trip. The rest is history. I highly recommend traveling for the other benefits, too!

    1. Aw no way! I love that! So sweet. Thank you for sharing. That is one of my favorite benefits. I’ve fallen in love with many places, experiences, adventures, and more through my travels.

  2. This is a lovely post, and I 100% agree about us needing to travel more. There’s so much positivity in learning a new culture, going new places, and meeting new people. Thanks for sharing!

    1. There really are so many wonderful benefits! I love traveling with my family. Experiencing new things with my kids is the best!

  3. Back in the days, before life as a mum; I did a lot of traveling and the experience I gained has now formed the foundation for me to use in my current day job as I have to manage different resources with multiple cultures from around the world. Thanks for sharing!

    1. That is so cool! I did quite a bit of traveling prior to kids too. Kids have slowed me down some but I still love going out even more now with kids for the fun experiences all together!

  4. Hi, Stephanie! My name is Stephanie, too! We love to travel and experience new things and see new sights. Hopefully we will be able to travel again soon! We miss getting out of the house!

  5. what a great list! I would have never thought about all these many benefits :D. I think, overall, travel helps you create a better version of yourself, it’s transformative, and as humans I think that’s critical to live a happy, fulfilling life.

  6. Traveling is one of my favorite things to do and agree that there are so many benefits to traveling. I love exploring new places, experiencing different cultures, and pushing my adventure limits!

    1. Yes absolutely! I love that! Thanks for sharing. The adventures and experiences that come along with traveling are endless.

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