8 Ways to Save Money on Christmas

With Black Friday only days away and Christmas less then a month away, gifts are high on everyone’s radar. Having grown up in a big family and waiting until the last minute to get presents more than once, I have changed how I handle the Christmas expenses. I’m giving you my top tips and tricks on how to keep your budget intact and not give your bank account a huge hit during the month of December. I put these exact things into action personally.
1. Use an Artifical Tree
Growing up we always got a real tree and I loved it! There is something so magical about picking out your own Christmas tree and the smell of a real pine tree. I kept the real tree tradition alive for my early years on my own. However, I decided to forgo the real tree for an artificial tree a few years ago. With a husband in the military, never knowing if he’d be home or gone during the holidays it was more practical for me to just put up a fake tree. It was something easier that I could do on my own for Christmas.
We also usually traveled during the holidays so I liked the idea of a fake tree that wouldn’t rot, get bugs, and fall apart if we weren’t home one year. So one year I just bought an artificial tree after Christmas when they were 75% off and have used one ever since. Now I can’t imagine doing it any other way! Not only is it a simpler set up, but the tree also doesn’t go bad if we are traveling, the kids and dogs don’t splash in the tree water, and we save that much more money every year for not having to buy a real tree every year. Artificial trees aren’t that cheap but buying it once beats having to buy an expensive real tree every single year.
2. Buy Presents Throughout the Year
This is the biggest thing I have put into practice for years! A lot of people wait until the end of the year when the holidays are on everyone’s mind to buy gifts. I buy some last-minute too – don’t get me wrong – but there is a big difference between buying a few last-minute gifts and buying everything last minute. Coming from a big family and years of living paycheck to paycheck I couldn’t afford to buy a bunch of gifts all at once.
I have been buying gifts throughout the year for years now. Whenever I find a good deal on something for someone I get it. Doesn’t matter if it is in January, July or December. If you can spread your gift purchases throughout the year instead of just all at once it can help you save. Your bank account won’t take as drastic of a hit either. So whenever you find a good deal on something, get it and save it for Christmas that way you’re not spending a bunch only in December.
3. Stay Home
Holidays are all about family and I love spending this special time of year with mine! But after years of traveling for both Thanksgiving and Christmas every year, it wore me out. Now that I have kids of my own, I want to take some holidays to be just my little family to create our own traditions. Instead of traveling to others for Christmas, invite them to come to you or just have a simple Christmas at home with your immediate family.
I’m not saying you have to cut out all holiday travels or family visits, but if you can spend some staying home you can save. Think of the plane flights, gas for road trips, boarding of pets while you’re away, and any other travel expenses you spend when traveling for the holidays. And now think of not having to spend that even just for one year.
4. Send Out Christmas Ecards
This is a new concept I only just thought of this year after seeing someone post about it online. I for one, have always loved getting Christmas cards in the mail. But on the flip side, I do not like having to address, print, and mail my own cards. With everything being more electronic these days this is a natural idea to consider.
I know to do the snail mail Christmas cards are classic and magical, but think of all the money you’ll save on postage and copies of photos if you don’t do them. You’ll also save all the time addressing and writing a physical card. Just create one electronic card and message and send it to everyone. If you don’t want to ditch snail mail cards forever you can do electronic one year, every other year, or once in a while just to save some extra money whenever you wish to.
5. Draw Names for Gift Exchange
Having grown up in a big family (I am one of eight kids), I am no stranger to the expense of Christmas gifts for every single family member. As a kid, we’d buy all gifts at the Dollar Store because we couldn’t afford a big expensive gift for every person when our only income was an allowance.
Now that we’re all grown and some of us have multiple kids of our own we draw names for a gift exchange every year. It’s great because we can all buy one thoughtful gift without worrying about the expense of having to buy for every single person. If you’re from a big family or just would like to save a little give this a try.
6. Give a Homemade Gift
It’s no secret DIY gifts are so in right now. There are so many great options between canned beauty products, clothes, blankets, paintings, etc. I’m sure you can find something you can make on your own depending on your skillset and hobbies. Homemade gifts are the most thoughtful and special to me. They can also help you save. DIY gifts are often cheaper then if you bought them already put together.
7. Recycle Unused Items
If you have holiday decor or other holiday items just lying around that you don’t use, try selling it. Facebook Marketplace is huge for selling items these days. Have a yard/garage sale. Or simply see if you can upcycle the item to repurpose it instead of buying something brand new. Leading up to the holidays is the perfect time to try to sell those specific seasonal items. When decorating for Christmas people will be looking and shopping for Christmas items.
8. If Traveling, Plan Ahead
If you are traveling for the holidays, there are ways to save to minimize your traveling expenses. Get accommodations and flights booked well in advance instead of the last minute to save. Getting things booked ahead can help you save. Shop around for the best deals and research the best days/times to book things. Look for any discounts (military, etc). When you find that good deal, book it.

These are all things that I put into use almost every year to help save. If you can save splurging as much during the holidays, your bank account will thank you. And you’ll bounce back sooner afterward too. Let me know in the comments below if you have tried any of these tricks for yourself. Happy Holidays!

12 thoughts on “8 Ways to Save Money on Christmas”
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love all of these! Next year I will be better at buying presents throughout the year. I told myself I would shop early but that didn’t happen. I DO love homemade/handmade presents though! <3
Thank you so much! I put a majority of these into practice every year..some years I’m better than others lol
I always try to purchase my Christmas gifts during the year, but, let’s be honest. I am hopeless when it comes to planning ahead. Once again I am scrambling with barely a week left until Christmas (what is new lol). These are some lovely ideas and I have decided to make two of my gifts and I am actually really looking forward to it. I am also going to be looking through my own things (I have so much stuff, much of it unused and still beautiful) and give away some books and other things.
We did have an artificial Christmas tree once. I am not a huge fan but, with your husband being away I understand how much easier and less stressful that would be. It is quite a production. Thank you for such a thoughtful post and I hope your husband is home for the holidays?
With love and gratitude,
Faye Wilde
Hello Faye! Thank you so much. Yes, my husband was home for the holidays this past year which was a blessing. Some Christmases are easier than others to plan ahead but this year I actually got all my shopping done really early! It was such a nice break from rushing around last minute.
THis is such a helpful post! I JUST realized how expensive Christmas cards ugh As if we need something else that costs a hundred dollars during Christmas haha
Yes exactly! The cards can really add up. Taking a break, even for 1 year to send them electronically can make a huge difference!
Number 5 has saved me so much money over the years. With 11 kids in my family I don’t’ think any of us could afford to buy a present for them all.
I love that! Same here. I am 1 of 8 kids so we love exchanging names.
These are all really good tips to help save money during the holiday season. I can’t wait to put some of these into action. Thank you!
Aw thank you so much! I hope some of these tips can really help you save.
These are great ideas! I try to buy presents throughout the year and then I put them in a drawer. When I pull them out at the beginning of December, it’s always fun to remind myself what I bought. Then I usually have a few things to finish up. Thanks for sharing these.
I’m so glad you found this post helpful! I love buying gifts throughout the year. I do it every year!