How to Make Theme Parks More Enjoyable with Kids

How to Make Theme Parks More Enjoyable with Kids

Who doesn’t love theme parks? I have loved going with my girlfriends, going as a couple, and now going with my kids. I will admit that theme park days were a bit easier when I didn’t have to pack extra bags and worry about naps.

However, even though the extra bags and schedule changes can be stressful as a mom– I absolutely love taking my kids on theme park adventures. We have gone to Disney World as a family of four twice now and other parks. I wanted to share with my fellow parents some tips and tricks we have found that help to make long days at theme parks more enjoyable with Kids.

Find Less Busy Times to Go to the Park

For both of our Disney trips, we tried to plan around busy times of the year. When you pick nonpeak times to visit, it’s less crowded. Lines are shorter, kids can run freer, and you have more space. This brings me to my next point…

Bring a Stroller

I know it can be annoying lugging a big stroller around especially if you’re traveling far but I promise you will not regret it. I always take our stroller to every theme park or activity where there is a lot of walking involved. Kids can use the sunshades for a break from the sun, ride along when their feet need a break, or nap, and you can store all your extra items/purchases in it.

Even with my kids walking I still always bring it. The last thing you want to do is have to carry your tired toddler around. Plus if the park is busy you don’t have to worry about chasing your kids around or them not keeping up when you want to move fast. Bring the stroller. Every time.

Bring Some Snacks

There will be times your kid(s) will be hungry and you’ll want something quick or won’t want to buy the expensive snacks at a theme park. Packing some simple snacks will help with this. I always bring crackers, granola bars, and fruit snacks in our diaper bag.

Bring Their Favorite Items

There may be times that your kid(s) may just want their item from home for napping or just some normal comfort. If they have a favorite blanket or toy/doll that is easy to bring along, I do that. Being away from home all day will probably be a change for young kids and having a comfort item from home can help with that.

Plan it Around When Kids are Happiest

Planning to visit the theme park when your kids are the happiest can help a lot. My kids have always adapted well to being out and about (when it was once in a while and not a regular occurrence) but some may not. When they were little I always tried to plan outings around their nap schedule to help with this. You could try going first thing when they wake in the morning or right after naptime. For all-day adventures, I usually try to go in the morning and use the stroller for nap time.

Find the Weather Sweet Spot

Planning your trip about the weather can be helpful for you and your kids. For example, when we went to Disney in Florida we knew it would be hot days. The first time we went in September and the second we went in May. While it was still warm we actively avoided the hottest part of summer (July). Try avoiding the coldest days for other parks as well. When we went to Dollywood which is in the Great Smokey Mountains in Tennesse – we went in September to avoid the colder winter months.

Be Prepared

As a mom, my motto is always to be prepared. You never know what can or will go wrong. I always bring extra clothes, diapers, and wipes in our diaper bag for long all-day outings. For outside adventures, I make sure to have water, sunscreen, and hats. For theme park days when I know, we might not be able to go back to our hotel I bring extra stuff in the car. If it’s warmer weather but you never know I bring jackets in the car. Worst case we just walk back to the car to grab something but at least we won’t have to go all the way home/to a hotel.

Bring a Baby Carrier

For babies/infants, I always bring a baby carrier along. When we went to Dollywood my daughter was only 5 months old and still nursing. There were times when she wanted to be held or close to me. I would put her into the baby carrier and it was a lifesaver. I could still have my arms free and they didn’t fall asleep holding her. Your partner can also use it to give you a break. I have also used a baby carrier a few times for nursing babies when we were on the move and couldn’t find a place to sit.

Mom and kids in stroller by circus sign

Kids don’t have to stop you from taking adventures or visiting your favorite theme parks. I love taking my kids with me. With a little extra planning, it can run smoothly. So take the trip, visit the theme park, knock bucket list items off, make memories, and have lots of fun!

Sincerely, Stephanie logo