Newborn Must-Haves
Just like with pregnancy and postpartum, newborn life comes with many changes. Because each baby is different, it can be unpredictable. No matter if it’s your first baby or 6th, the newborn phase can still be a bit of a learning curve each time.
You might have one baby who loves to be swaddled and another who hates it. You might have one baby who likes to be in a baby wrap and another who prefers just a baby carrier. Each baby has their own preferences and favorite things. It takes a bit of trial and error to figure out what works for each baby.
For example, my first two babies loved their baby swing. I figured it’s a staple and all babies love it. My third baby hates it and screams whenever he’s put in it. But we did find another baby seat with vibration that he likes.
So while these are some essentials I have come to rely on with newborns sometimes you just never know what they’re going to like. You may have to get creative and play around to figure out what works best for you and your baby.
Once you find what works for you, run with it! I try to keep it basic and minimal with my tips to help you along on your journey. So without further ado, here are my personal top essential must-haves for newborns.
Changing & Cleaning
If there is one thing everyone knows babies need its diapers, etc. There are some more items that often are overlooked until they’re needed that you’ll want to make sure to have on hand. Here are my newborn must-haves for changing and cleaning:
- Diapers/Wipes
- Diaper rash cream
- Bath/Baby wash
- Gripe water
- Snot sucker
- Baby oil
- Baby lotion
- Grooming kit (Baby brush/comb, nail clippers, thermometer, medicine dropper, etc.)
Clothes & Accessories
Baby’s outgrow clothes so fast in these early days I suggest finding what works for you and Baby. Stick with those things as opposed to buying everything. For example I typically only dress my babies in sleepers for at least the first month (sometimes longer) so I buy mostly those instead of all the onesie/ multiple piece items. Here are my essential must-haves for newborn clothes and accessories:
- Pacifier
- Baby sleepers
- Burp cloths
- Hat
- Blankets
- Swaddle wraps/blankets
You will need quite a bit of equipment for your new little one. While each baby is different on what seats they may or may not like you really don’t need to get one of everything. My best advice is to go with the essentials while they are newborns and slowly add the bigger toys/chairs/seats as needed the older they get. Here are my equipment must-haves:
- Boppy pillow
- Swing
- Pack n Play/Bassinet
- Carrier/Baby wrap
- Car seat
- Stroller
- Breast pump/bottles
- Baby bath tub
For more newborn items you may want/need for your hospital stay check out Hospital Bag Must-Haves and for postpartum essentials for mom during the 4th trimester check out Postpartum Must-Haves.
I hope that these tips come in handy for you and help to better prepare you for life with a newborn. All us mothers have been where you are. Just know you are not alone! If you have any suggestions of other must-haves that I didn’t list please comment below and let me know.