Real Mom Talk: Adjusting to Life with 3 Kids

Real Mom Talk: Adjusting to Life with 3 Kids

I’ve been wanting to share all about our adjustment to adding our newest baby addition the family for a little while now. As things have settled down a bit, I thought now would be a good time.

To be honest, I was a bit worried about how my older kids would adjust to having a new baby in the house. It had only been the two of them for the last four years after all.

Last time around my daughter was too young to really know what was going on but this 3rd pregnancy was different in many ways. And I was also a bit apprehensive about us parents being outnumbered by the kids.

But to my surprise this has been my smoothest and easiest adjustment out of all three kids.

The first time around, was a learning curve. Becoming a first time parent is a big change. Not only are you adjusting to a baby but you’re also adjusting to a brand new life. I thought I was prepared ahead of time but there was so much I had to learn and relearn.

The second time around, my firstborn was still so young and needed me for so much it was rough. Going from one kid to two was another big learning curve for me in figuring out how to balance my time between both kids and discovering the differences of what worked for each.

But this third time…it must be a charm because it has been the easiest transition for me so far. Going from two kids to three as overwhelming as it sounds really hasn’t been that hard. Sure there are still adjustments and a balancing act (like always) but I haven’t found myself stressing about it all.

I’m sure it helps that my older two are a bit older and pretty independent so I have a little more wiggle room with them needing me. And my recovery has been the quickest this go around too both physically and mentally. I am very thankful for that. I know that’s not the case for a lot of women.

3 kids in a stroller wagon

I don’t know what is different this go around but something just feels that way.

Maybe it’s because I’m more experienced as a mom. Maybe it’s because it’s been four years since I last had a newborn. Maybe it’s because I’m not stressing about every little thing. Maybe it’s because I’m older and wiser. Maybe it’s just luck. I don’t know but whatever it is, I am very thankful for this transition.

Everyone has been adjusting well to the new addition and been very loving and welcoming to him from the beginning. I’m so incredibly blessed and don’t want to ever take it for granted.

I’ve also heard many people say once you go to three kids that any more after that is a breeze and it’s all the same. So I guess someday we’ll find out if they’re right. I’ll keep you posted. Lol. For now I’m just going to enjoy every moment and love on these three little blessings every chance I get.

What was your hardest kid adjustment? 0 to 1, 1 to 2, 2 to 3, or beyond? Let me know in the comments below!

Sincerely, Stephanie logo