Real Mom Talk: The Sleep Regression Nightmare
Sleep regressions are so fun. Said no mom ever.
I don’t know about you but lack of sleep was one of my biggest struggles as a mom with both of my babies. Sleep regressions are a normal part of babies growing and developing. But that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Just when you get a sleep breakthrough it back peddles just as fast. When you feel like your sanity is coming back it’s gone again.
Some things I’ve heard often as a mom are “it’s just a phase” and “it will pass”. While those are true it is not comforting to hear in the midst of the sleep struggle. Another common thing I heard all the time is “sleep when the baby sleeps”. Well, what do you do when the baby fights sleep or barely sleeps? You have to muscle through.
One sleepless night turns into another and another. Before you know it you’re a walking zombie. Or mombie as the case may be.
There are so many things that can lead to sleep regressions. Just think about it for a minute…babies go through so many changes in their first couple of years of life. Playing, crawling, walking, eating food, etc. Now throw in some pain/discomfort like teething, sickness, growing pains, etc. And now think about any other possible big changes outside of their control like moving, other siblings, etc.
It makes perfect sense that sleep changes happen in the midst of all the other changes in their lives.
Trying to see things through my baby’s eyes helps me to be more sympathetic towards what they are going through. But that doesn’t make it any easier on you as the momma. It’s so hard to be there and give your baby your all when you are struggling. Lack of sleep and fighting sleep plays a huge part in that.
I’ve struggled so much during sleep training and sleep regressions. It has been one of the hardest parts of early motherhood for me. I’m no expert but I have made it through two kids’ sleep struggles so far.
Sometimes you may feel like you’re going crazy. Sometimes you may be getting up often throughout the night. Sometimes you may find yourself driving around aimlessly just to get your little one to sleep. Sometimes you may walk around the block a million times with your baby in the stroller. Sometimes you may have to rock them or feed them to sleep. Sometimes you may cry in the other room while your baby cries.
Just remember you are NOT a bad mom. If you let them cry it out or don’t. You are NOT a bad mom. If you help them get to sleep or make them to it on their own. You are NOT a bad mom. Every child and family are different. You have to do what works for you and your baby. And that may be something different with each kid you have.
Sleep regressions are not fun. But they are a normal part of life with babies. If you are struggling you are NOT alone. If you feel like you’re going crazy you are NOT alone. If you are doing what you can just to get through you are NOT alone.
If you are dealing with sleep regressions you are NOT alone.
I’ve been there multiple times. I was just there about a month ago. And let me tell you it sucked. I finally feel like we’re getting back on track now. Staying consistent even when it’s hard is so helpful. Making time for yourself is so important. Just being there for your little one is so crucial.
You CAN make it through this. You ARE strong enough to handle it.