The Importance of Me Time as a Mom

The Importance of Me Time as a Mom

As a mom, our identity gets wrapped up in our little ones so easily. Especially when they’re little and depend on you for everything. It’s so common to just take care of them and so easy to put yourself on the back burner. I’ve gone days without showering when my hair really needed it and meals without eating when my little’s needed me for something.

The mom guilt is so real too! You feel like you aren’t doing enough or being a good mom when you want to do something for yourself. You feel selfish for wanting to go see a movie or going to get your hair done. I know, I’ve been there. I can’t begin to count the many times I neglected something for me just to do something for my kids instead.

I’m not saying this is necessarily a bad thing. I mean, your kids do need to be fed and taken care of. What I am saying, is that you need to be taken care of too. You need to take some time for yourself every now and then too.

As a mom, it is important to still take care of yourself. It is important to still do the things you love and to be your own person. It is important to still make time for yourself so that you are happy.

After all, how can you be the best version of you for your kids if you aren’t taken care of? As a new mom and then a mom of two under two (in just 16 months) I went through a struggle of not feeling like myself and not taking the time I should have for my self-care. The early days were tough.

After my first baby was born I felt like I wasn’t myself anymore. When the baby is so little they need you so much and I struggled with not being able to do anything for me. I found when I couldn’t do the things that I loved and made me who I was that I felt like I didn’t know who I was.

After my second baby, I really neglected my self-care. Not only was I not able to do my hobbies and things I loved but I also neglected everyday self-care. Having two little ones to care for under the age of two was a tough time. My self-care was always put on the back burner because of time and energy.

Now that my kids are getting a little older and more independent I am finding that I’m able to set aside more time for me. And it has really made a huge difference in my life.

I have gotten back to my writing and different creative outlets and hobbies that make me who I am. They help me feel like I have a place and purpose outside of just motherhood which has given me my sense of independence back.

I still struggle with self-care some but I am working to get better at it. In my free time now I devote it to my writing and creative outlets which for me is a big part of my self-care.

Self-care doesn’t always have to be pampering and spa days. It really is just “me time”. The time that you set aside for yourself to focus on you. It may look different for each person. For some, it may be getting a hair cut, going to a spa, or just soaking in a bubble bath. For others, it may be exercise, writing, or just catching up on some TV shows. Whatever you need to do for yourself that you love and that feeds your soul.

A little relaxation or pampering, whatever the case may be for you. Take the time you need for you. Take the time you need to reset and feel refreshed. When you’re happy and taken care of it reflects back on your attitude, positivity, and everything else in your life.

When you take time for self-care you are investing in yourself. The mom guilt will tell you that you’re being selfish or taking time or money away from your family. Don’t listen to the mom guilt. It’s a lie. With the right timing and budget, you can make anything work.

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “happy wife, happy life”. Well, I say a happy mom equals a happy home. When you’re happy and taken care of your kids and family gets the best possible version of you.

We’re all human and need a break sometimes. I know I do. And that’s ok. As a mom I often think I have to have it all together and do it all on my own. That’s another lie. You don’t have to do it alone. You’re still a good mom if you need a break. You’re still a good mom if you need time to yourself.

One of my goals for 2020 is to really focus on my self-care more and give myself the time I deserve. I want to be the best mother and woman I can be. For my kids, for my family, and for myself. I’ve found in my own life that how I do that is by giving myself the self-care that I need which is through having “me time”.

Whether you’re a fulltime working mom, a work at home mom, or a stay-at-home mom we can all use some me time. As a mom, it is so important to have dedicated me time. I want to challenge each of you to find some time throughout your day and dedicate that to your self-care and me time.

14 thoughts on “The Importance of Me Time as a Mom

  1. Good read… definitely agree with you. I also had two under two (21 mo. difference) it is was really challenging in those first few months. I would get really frustrated, and now looking back I can see that I was really lacking self-care/me time where I could harness my independence once more. You’re right, as the kids get bigger and more self-sufficient you gradually get your time back. But, it can be rough in the beginning! I thought it was WAY worse going from one to two, than it was from zero to one. Haha!

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me! This sounds so much like what I went through too. It took me a while to figure out how important self-care and time for myself is. I’m really working on it all this year! And I completely agree with you–the 1 to 2 kids transition was way harder for me than 0 to 1 too!

  2. I can definitely relate to this post. Thankfully, I now view self-care as not only important for ME, but also important for modeling for my children.

    1. I love this! Thank you so much for sharing. It’s taken me a little bit to learn this as well but I’ve really been putting it into practice the last few months.

  3. Oh man! I totally get this. I’ve had days where I’ve forgotten to eat anything before dinner just cuz I’m so wrapped up getting everything the kiddos need done. I think eventually, we’ll all have no choice but to take care of ourselves – and we can learn that the hard way or the easy way.

    1. So true! The earlier days are so hard to do much for yourself but I’ve learned it’s so important the last few months to really prioritize it for myself.

    1. Thank you so much! The early motherhood days were hard for me to do anything for myself but I’ve really been prioritizing it the last few months.

    1. I agree! I enjoy even just an hour by myself to get a little break. Even little breaks make a huge difference! Thank you!

  4. Not too long ago a friend told me that mom’s have two choices: you either get up early or you stay up late. One way or another you get your alone time in 🙂

    1. I love that!! It’s so true. Taking even just a little time for yourself each day makes a huge difference!

  5. I have four kids and with their spacing, I was either pregnant or nursing for 8.5 years with no break. now that the last baby is weaned, i’ve been able to step out and remember the things that i used to enjoy. it feels good!

    1. Wow, 8.5 years is a long time! I feel you on that struggle! My kids are only 16 months apart in age so I was either pregnant or breastfeeding for a little over 2 years and it was a lot for me! You are amazing going as long as you did. I’m enjoying the break right now!

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