The (Uncomfortable) Things No One Tells You About Pregnancy

Everyone knows about morning sickness/nausea, crazy food cravings, mood swings, and stretch marks being symptoms of pregnancy. But what you might not know is there can be many other symptoms – some you wouldn’t think of – unless you’ve experienced them for yourself.
Thankfully both of my pregnancies were pretty mild but there were symptoms I was surprised to discover are very normal when pregnant. I wanted to share them in the hopes that it helps prepare someone else for pregnancy and what to expect.
Stuffy nose
I had a stuffy nose/congestion my whole first pregnancy. It was annoying but I learned to live with it. My doctor told me it’s actually very common in pregnancy. I never would have guessed.
Bloody noses
I never had a bloody nose in my life – until my first pregnancy. And then I had multiple ones off and on. Again, not comfortable but I learned how to handle them. This is actually pretty common too.
Modified everything
During pregnancy, you have to modify everything. No more sleeping on your back or stomach. Even if you work out regularly there are still modifications that you have to take when pregnant.
Trouble sleeping
I fully expected a lack of sleep after the baby arrived, but I never thought it would be an issue during pregnancy. I was wrong. Between having to pee constantly, insomnia, and how hard it is to get comfortable toward the end of pregnancy (not to mention baby moving/kicking) – sleeping can be a struggle during pregnancy.
A big symptom I was not prepared for ahead of time was exhaustion. This was the one I experienced the most during both of my pregnancies. I was so tired, especially in the first trimester. When you think about it it makes sense. Your body is growing another human behind after all. Listen to your body and when you need to rest or relax, do it.
Stronger sense of smell
Another symptom I didn’t think to expect was food/smell aversions. With my first pregnancy, my sense of smell was stronger and more scents affected me negatively. Certain foods cooking or perfumes, etc would make me sick to my stomach at times.
Varicose veins
I did not experience these in my pregnancies but I know others who have. It is actually very common. While they may not be pretty, they are normal and can be corrected after pregnancy.
Heartburn is real in many pregnancies. Especially during the last trimester. I didn’t experience it bad (thankfully) but I did have a couple of moments.
Extra gas
I was often extra gassy during pregnancy. Sometimes it can be related to the foods you eat but sometimes it’s just from the extra hormonal and body changes.
There will be swelling. In your body, in your feet, in your face. You will also feel very bloated, often. I have yet to meet a pregnant person who doesn’t experience swelling and/or bloating throughout pregnancy. The good news is both of these things will correct themself in time after you have your baby.
Round ligament pain
Be prepared for round ligament pain. Aka aches and pains. The more your body changes to compensate for your growing baby, the more often you can experience this. It is completely normal and goes away after pregnancy. But if you have any questions or concerns always ask your doctor.
Libido changes
With the changing hormones and mood swings along comes libido changes. Your libido can (and usually does) change during different trimesters of your pregnancy and for each pregnancy. Sometimes you may have little to no sex drive and other times you may have a very high sex drive. It is 100% normal. My advice – be open and honest with your partner on how you’re feeling.
Constant peeing
Be prepared to spend a lot of time in the bathroom during pregnancy. An early pregnancies symptom can be more frequent urination. And as your baby grows and takes up more room, you’ll often find that you have to pee a lot. The baby may hit your bladder out of nowhere and you’ll have to go…even if you just went literally two minutes before. You will be up often throughout the night to pee too.

Pregnancy is such a blessing and there are so many beautiful moments during those nine months. Not every moment is going to be picture perfect and that is OK. It is all worth it. Hang in there. You’ve got this!