To the Daughter Who Made Me a Mother
I started a tradition after my daughter was born of writing a letter to her each month of her first year and then one for her birthday each year after that. It’s a way I use my love of writing as a way to preserve our memories, her favorite things, things she dislikes, and all of her milestones as she grows. It’s a way for me to be honest about my struggles and good times, as well as share my hopes and dreams for her life.
As a mom, the days can blur together and it’s easy to forget exact moments and dates. Time flies so fast and I want to remember everything. I have continued this letter-writing tradition with my son and plan to do so for any future kids I have as well. It is a great way to have a little keepsake that my kids can always go back to and read.
With Mother’s Day coming up and today being my daughter’s 3rd birthday, I have been reminiscing on those letters from her first year and all our wonderful memories together. We have learned and grown together through my first-time motherhood journey. There is no one else I would have wanted to experience this with than my sweet little girl.
To the daughter who made me a mother, I have loved you since the moment I found out about you. The first time I felt your flutter and kick inside of me was pure magic. I dreamed you’d be a girl but was still shocked when I found out you actually were. I giggled over your little personality and the way you made sure we knew your gender with legs wide open.
I stressed over finding the perfect name for you and argued with daddy trying to agree on one. I worried over you through extra ultrasounds and cardiologist meetings. I held onto hope and stayed optimistic despite daddy stressing. I prayed many prayers over your health.
I taught myself to sew and made you many blankets and accessories. I kept myself busy with DIY projects counting down the days until we would meet in person. Every appointment I had I was so anxious to hear your little heartbeat and know you were growing well.
To the daughter who made me a mother, I will never forget the day you were born. It was the happiest day of my life and also felt like the longest. I was a little nervous but so very excited to meet you. I will never forget the laughter of the doctor as you tried to screwball your way out. The moment they placed you on my chest was the most perfect moment of my life. Holding you I was instantly in love, wrapped around your finger, and my heart felt complete.
To the daughter who made me a mother, the first year of your life seems like a blur. There were so many sleepless days and nights. But just as many snuggles and hugs. Watching you learn and grow are the best moments. Seeing your passions and little personality develop is so much fun to witness. Seeing you be kind, generous, and loving are the proudest moments of my life. I wouldn’t change any of it for the world.
To the daughter who made me a mother, we have learned and grown so much together. I feel like I have learned more from you then you have from me. You have taught me, true unconditional love. You have shown me how good it is to have a short memory of the bad and how a simple smile heals anything. You have pushed me to chase my dreams again.
You have taught me the importance of saying you’re sorry and knowing someone is watching even when you don’t think anyone is. You have inspired me to do better, be kinder, and lead by example. You have shown me how impossible it is to stay mad for long whenever you are around. You have pushed me to be braver by watching your fearlessness with any animal. You inspire me to experience new things and go on new adventures. You help me to be the best that I can be in all areas of life.
To the daughter who made me a mother, just when I think you can’t surprise me anymore, you do. I’m amazed by your imagination and childlike wonder. You can life my spirits with just a hug or kiss. Snuggling with you is my favorite. I hope you never grow too old to talk with me about your day or hold my hand.
To the daughter who made me a mother, I couldn’t ask for a better daughter. You truly are my answered prayer and dream come true. I am so thankful that God chose me to be your mommy. You are one of my absolute favorite people. I love going on adventures with you. I can’t wait to see all the places you’ll go and the things you’ll do in life. You are a blessing I never take for granted. I’m so very thankful for the gift of being your mommy every single day.
8 thoughts on “To the Daughter Who Made Me a Mother”
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Such a sweet story and tradition. I’m sure when your daughter grows up, it’ll make her feel so special to read your post and all your notes for her.
Aw thank you! I love doing it and hope she enjoys them one day.
That letter writing is such a lovely tradition. I keep journals for my two that I try to write in at least a couple times a month. I hope they treasure it one day.
Thank you so much! I love your journal idea that is so cool!
I relate to this so much. My first born is my daughter too. Brings me to tears :,)
Aw thank you so much!
I love this. So incredibly sweet! Thanks for sharing with us!
You’re welcome. Thank you!